Current Position

I am Professor of philosophy at Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany. My main research areas are in philosophy of mind, in particular consciousness and cognition, but also Kants theoretical philosophy and philosophy of the cognitive sciences in general.
Before joining RUB, I worked as postdoc at the University of Tübingen and led a Junior Research Group at their Center for Integrative Neuroscience.
> Departmental webpage


2005 PhD in Philosophy, Universität zu Köln (Germany)

2001 M.A. in Philosophy (Major), German Literature/Language, Modern History (Minors)

Major Grants

2021–2024 State Funding “INTERACT! – Neue Formen der sozialen Interaktion mit intelligenten Systemen“ (speaker and PI), with Albert Newen, Nikol Rummel, Anna Tuschling, Eva Weber-Guskar, Matthias Weiss (all RUB).

2020–2022 Covid-19 -related project “Why do people believe weird things? The Bayesian Brain, Conspiracy Theories, and Intellectual Vices",  VolkswagenStiftung & RUB

2018–2026 Research Training Group Situated Cognition, Bochum-Osnabrück), German Science Foundation (DFG), incl. 12 PIs and 36 PhD students, Speakers: Prof. Dr. Albert Newen, Prof. Dr. Achim Stephan 

2018–2021 Interdisciplinary and international collaborative research project (D-A-CH) on "The structure and development of understanding actions and reasons" (Speaker and PI), German Science Foundation (DFG), Swiss National Fund (SNF), and FWF (Austrian Science Fund), with A. Newen (Bochum), H.-J. Glock (Zürich), J. Perner (Salzburg)

2014–2022 Lichtenberg-professorship and project Situated Cognition. Perceiving the world and understanding other minds, granted by the VolkswagenStiftung